Best SEO Extensions for Your Magento E-commerce Store
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Soon after Magento 2.2.4 version was out in earlier May, Magento 2.2.5 was released a couple of months later; i.e. on June 27 2018. This new version focuses on product security and bug files. This update comes with several performance and security improvements also the resolution of bugs that existed in the previous version. There are various reasons that this version gives upgrade to Magento store.
Let’s take a look today at the new version Magento 2.2.5 also we learn what revolution has Magento 2.2.5 made in web world.
Improvements are made to secure the XSS, SQL injections and cross site request forgery vulnerabilities. The customers that faced various issues while upgrading to Magento 2.2.4 , have been solved. In this new version improvements in various core bundled extensions have been made.
Significant improvements to the core Magento code: Merchants and Magento store owners can run the catalogue search in full text indexer and the category product indexer in parallel at the same time. This shall reduce the execution time when Magento is run with multiple shared catalogues and store views.
• Refactoring of the catalogue full text indexer has improved the indexing performance by 15% for very huge profiles and product catalogues with various configurable options.
• There is certainly an improvement in the behaviour of swatch product attributes has enhanced.
The release of Magento includes the first third-party extension that we are bundling with Magento Commerce- Magento Social. This extension acts as a bridge between your store and your corporate Face book account, thus creating a page with products from your catalogue.
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Security improvements provide protection of this functionality to increase resilience against dangerous code execution attacks. We have also further continued to review and improve our protection against Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks.
Magento Shipping Enhancements:
Carries can now be selected by the merchants to use for returns and send a return label along with forward fulfillment with core returns.
• Batch processing, makes easier to process a large volume of shipments in batches thus increasing automation.
• With collection points the customer will be able to designate a drop point rather than the residence for delivery by carrier.
• Along with from these important features, there are some minor enhancements that include pagination to improve the admin experience and multi-version API.
As it is all that Magento 2.2.5 has to offer, it has become imperative for merchants to consider an upgrade sooner rather than later. There is a need to have a professional development team to ensure that the entire steps of the upgrade are handled properly. FutureProfilez is one of the Magento Web Development Company India as we have a dedicated team to handle web solution.
Hiring our Magento expert developer will let you ease your task, as they are well acquainted with the changes and development.
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