Trinity Valley Pools has been the premier pool builder in East Texas since 1991. We enjoy an excellent reputation throughout the industry and are very proud of our design and construction innovation. Having built thousands of custom pools in East Texas. Our experience in the field is second to none…
19 ortizdrf Sharon Ortiz also has over 12 years experience in business and technology development, and three years mediating and arbitrating business matters. Along with her private practice as a mediator, Sharon is the director for Mediators without Borders, ADR New Mexico Center. In 2005, Sharon co-founded a business process outsourcing (BPO) consulting company based in Albuquerque, New Mexico with off shore development operations in Trivandrum, India. Her company provided technical writing, IT software development, and systems integration services. The business was transitioned into a business relationship with a larger BPO company, Computech Corporation, in 2008, which continues to provide services to BPO clients. Sharon has extensive IT and business knowledge, which helps her understand complicated conflicts in a mixed technical and business climate that exists today.