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During the recent emergency situation brought about by the deadly COVID-19, it’s easy to get influenced by all the misinformed and partially-correct (or totally false) prevention techniques that you see online.
Some of them are downright useless, while other “tips” can do more harm than good. Below we are going to list some of the most widespread misconceptions circulating around and see what is the reality associated with each of these statements.
While this might seem a bit ironic, but the reason why the COVID-19 is so severe is due to it being not as dangerous as you might think. Which is why many people keep carrying the symptoms for days, or even weeks without knowing they have contracted it.
Most studies reveal that more than 80% of people contracted with it only display mild symptoms, while 15% of people contracting it developed serious conditions like pneumonia, and a further 5% of them have been deemed fatal (or critical).
While the mortality rate for the virus has hinted to a considerable risk towards the elderly, it doesn’t mean that the age group of below 60 is completely immune to the epidemic.
In fact, people of all age groups can contract the disease, and commoners with prior medical conditions, low immunity, or undergoing cancer treatment are especially at risk. Even pregnant women need to be particularly cautious.
While a fearful mind can go out searching for conspiracy theories to explain the unknown, it can only lead to further mass hysteria and hateful actions against a certain community.
In fact, medical experts around the globe had been expecting another epidemic to originate from Southeast Asia ever since the last major public epidemic of similar capacity (SARS-CoV-2 for 2003-2004).
If anything consuming too much booze can further affect your immunity and make you more vulnerable to the virus. The only right consumption of alcohol at such times is to utilize it through a hand sanitizer and apply it every day for 3-4 times a day.
Once again, remember that the overuse of sanitizer is not going to boost your chances any further, so use it in a limited amount and purchase a sanitizer with more than 70% alcohol content.
It might help you indirectly since the said remedy will keep others at a distance away, but other than that, homemade treatment will rarely get you through the testing time. While some other natural edible items that you get can certainly help with your immunity, it’s better to say that some plant-based foods can help you fight the disease, but not necessarily prevent it.
The common types of surgical masks that you can purchase from your neighborhood dispensary is not highly effective as they can’t offer 100% isolation from the contaminated air. In fact, most people using the masks these days are using it incorrectly anyway, as constantly touching, removing or adjusting your mask using your hand makes the whole ordeal somewhat futile.
Plus, to ensure that enough masks are available for people who actually depict symptoms of the virus, you must wear them if and only if you also show signs of some flu, cold, etc.
Not scientific studies are yet to prove a direct relationship between the recently encountered COVID-19 and its effectiveness during warmer climates. We can only assume that might hopefully be true given that the virus has some similar characteristics with the SARS epidemic of 2003 which ended on its own during the change in the climate.
You can still wash your clothes in water above 60-degree Celcius to disinfect them completely, but other than that, it’s basically a waiting game until further tests are conducted.
Your best bet during these times is to consider socially distancing yourself for a period of two weeks, and washing your hands on every possible instance. Also, make sure to sneeze or cough using a tissue paper or a handkerchief to prevent the spread of the virus and most importantly, avoid direct contact of your hands with your mouth, eyes, and nose without properly washing them first.
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