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The Apple 2 series of computers dominated the American home computing market during the 1980's and early 1990's. From it's initial launch in 1977 to it's final manufacturing run, Apple computer sold millions of these machines. Practically every school in the country had an Apple 2 and it was the one with a ton of…
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The Faith teaches that properly appreciated, science and religion will never conflict, as each are complementary ways of explaining truth, which on any issue must necessarily be singular. The teachings state that whenever conflict arises between religion and science it is due to human error, either through misinterpretation of religious scriptures or the lack of…
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En believethesign
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William Branham tells of a series of prophecies that were given to him in June 1933 by vision that would transpire before the coming of the Lord. William Branham was very bold with these prophecies, claiming that the visions would be accurate "to the dot" and were "Thus Saith The Lord".While he states that there…
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Awoiaf Westeros
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Lord Stannis Baratheon is the second born son of Lord Steffon Baratheon of Storm's End and Lady Cassana Estermont. He grew up in the shadow of his older brother, Robert, and was an introverted, solemn, and joyless child, mature beyond his years. Stannis' parents died in 278 AC, when their ship the Wind proud was…
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The BelegarthWiki is an open source project created, written, & edited for the Belegarth Medieval Combat Society and its friends in medieval sports and other organisations. Belegarth is a full-contact sport where participants engage in combat using foam padded representations of medieval weapons. The Wiki is a free encyclopedia that anyone can edit, and the…
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