A few reasons “for” porting to Android (or vice versa):
- It has your back covered. Your competitors will not be able to steal 85% of the user market right in front of your nose – as that’s the percentage of Android-owning customers.
- More apps simply mean more revenue.
- Make money with Google Play
- Reduce app development costs
Things to be taken consideration when you decide to port iOS to Android and vice-versa:
- Buttons (square on Android vs. round on iOS)
- Lists (left-pointing arrows vs. right)
- Tabs (at the bottom of the screen vs. top)
- Date/time pickers
- Object’s placement – “card-placed objects” on Android
- Navigation (physical button for back navigation vs. top back button for back)
- Widgets
- Libraries, frameworks, code porting
- Android fragmentation
- Interaction with the file system in OS (iOS or Android)