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Zend Framework Development Company

zend-align-leftZend Framework is an open source framework for developing web applications and services with PHP 5. Zend Framework is implemented using 100% object-oriented code. The component structure of Zend Framework is somewhat unique; each component is designed with few dependencies on other components. This loosely coupled architecture allows developers to use components individually.

We often call this a “use-at-will” design.spite of the fact that Zend framework offers a steep learning curve being rather a bit complicated framework compared to other PHP frameworks, for the developers who acquired proficiency it is greatly rewarding as well. The framework offering most customizable, flexible and creative elements is preferred widely across the globe for complex web application development projects.

Zend Framework features include:

  • All components are fully object-oriented PHP 5 and are E_STRICT compliant
  • Use-at-will architecture with loosely coupled components and minimal interdependencies
  • Extensible MVC implementation supporting layouts and PHP-based templates by default
  • Support for multiple database systems and vendors, including MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and Informix Dynamic Server
  • Email composition and delivery, retrieval via mbox, Maildir, POP3 and IMAP4
  • Flexible caching sub-system with support for many types of backends, such as memory or a file system

Our Zend Framework Project

Client Testimonial


They always seemed to be three steps ahead of me, with patience, diligence and excellent punctuality. One of the best decisions of my career was to go with Future Profilez.


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